Saturday, November 23, 2019

Urban Lifestyle Research Essays

Urban Lifestyle Research Essays Urban Lifestyle Research Essay Urban Lifestyle Research Essay Essay Topic: The Bean Eaters Urban culture The culture of a given group of people is made up of several components, these include religious practices and beliefs, economic activities, traditions, education, eating habits, government, and dressing. The people of this set up are considered religious by the existence of religious books such as The Bible and the Quran. Religion is diversified since there are Muslims and Christians. Worship places are free for the general society however in the event that you are anticipating going to them, it is fitting to put on legitimate attire and comply with the beliefs and traditions as needs be. For instance, in the event that you will visit a congregation or house of prayer, dont wear a bare shoulders dress and short garments. You can go into a Moslem mosque as they have visits amid the ends of the week however you cant enter it amid petition times which is more often than not after seven pm. It is viewed as an affront in the event that you wear shoes or shoes into a Muslim place of worsh ip so it is advisable to put them off before you do. Try not to endeavor to take photographs on the off chance that you will visit a Chinese place of worship as it is viewed as shameful and disrespectful conduct. Another aspect of culture is the traditions of the people in the case study, these people evidently have a tradition of schooling, but this education system has clashed with the former. A few aspects are basically not matching. some of which appears to be the earlier acknowledged trial of capability in the western academies of scholarship, that is, the establishment of two millennium or a greater amount of scholastic research and the similarly admired oral customs of learning and information as rehearsed by First Nations. The earlier developed through numerous emphases, that start with the Socratic strategy and continues in the Aristotelian rationale, Middle Ages thinkers, difficulties in the Rebirth of learning to the previous orthodoxies, not leaving behind the civilizations of the eighteenth century, from which the system of cutting edge science and the humanities rose (Gonz;lez, 2013). This was significantly impacted at different avenues by the scholarships granted in India, Islam, and China, which were also deeply affected by western civilization. It is basically a reality, content, and reference driven antagonistic framework in which insightful validity depends vigorously on the production of unique research that first passes survey by academic associates, and is relied upon, traditions, art, governance, economic activities, dressing, eating habits, social organizations, housing among others. In our case study, we shall use the artifacts sampled to try to reconstruct the culture and lifestyle of the occupants of this dwelling. Modern religion With such a variety of individuals living in Vancouver, it is not amazing to discover numerous spots of religious activities the evidence of religious books such as the Bible and the Quran makes this fact true. Such spots are common where a mixed group of people is found. Numerous; to test ebb and flow hypothesis or propel another one. Another way is strategy advanced by astute people to impart social and cultural knowledge starting with one era then onto the next without content or written materials. This transmission may happen as sayings, legends, melodies, ceremonies, account lyrics, numbers or hallowed serenades. It bargains not with actualities but rather with the truths intrinsic in legend and myth. Its not second-rate or unrivaled compared to the previous. It is essentially unique. The social aspect of the people is also evident by the fact that they participate in sporting activities which are some of the major social factors that bring people together. This is evident by the use of artifacts collected on the site such as balls. Technology devices such as phones have also invented a new dimension of social life where people make friends chat and share ideas online through the phones. Such technological advances have also made the to be a global village where people chat and communicate without problems despite the distance between them. Urban life style Another aspect and lifestyle of the people being studied can be discovered from the clothing or dressing code, the foods they eat. For instance, these people are meat eaters, they also eat fish, future archaeologists in their bid to reconstruct the lifestyle and culture of these people would use such artifacts. The dressing code also shows the lifestyle of individuals. The affluent dress differently from common people. The economic practices can also be reconstructed using the artifacts sampled. For example, as we had seen earlier, the evidence of fish means people of this era are fishermen. Meat proves that they are farmers who keep animals and also cultivators since we sampled some grains in the survey, fruits also mean they are farmers. Another aspect that comes out clearly is the housing if future were to conduct a study on these people using the collected artifacts they would conclude that these people lived in permanent dwellings since the refuse from construction sites would explain this. Archaeologists dont conduct research on an entire site, they sample artifacts of a given portion of the area under study and make general conclusions for the entire site. This kind of information may be misleading or biased against some people on the same site. In the study we conducted, only a fraction of Vancouver was studied and this should not be concluded to be the lifestyle of all the inhabitants of the area. For instance, in the study it was concluded that these people are fishermen, farmers and also like sporting activities yet in a real sense this may not be true for all the inhabitants of Vancouver. It may also not be true that all inhabitant built permanent houses as inferred by the study. Modern society If the same research was to be carried out on the same people some five thousand years to come, the results would not be the same. This is because some of the artifacts are fragile, some are not permanent and may not endure that long. For example, artifacts we used such as the foods. Fish, beans, corn, milk, cakes and meat may not survive this long period. And therefore, the lifestyle of the people like their eating habits and economic activities such as farming and fishing based on the artifacts sampled may not be reconstructed then, since the artifacts would not be in existence. We also made an inference that these people were engaging in social activities such as sporting using the sampled artifact, but future historians would not be able to reconstruct such information due to lack of artifacts. The culture that may remain relevant even after the 5000 years is that of religion, since the books may be stored for long, future scientist may also be able to infer that the occupants of the city had a money economy by the help of the coins sampled at the site. Gadgets like phones, computers, and televisions may also endure that long and will help the scientists to reconstruct a lot of information about the lifestyle of the occupants of this setup. Tools such as hoes, machetes and spades also dont degrade with time and so future archaeologists will use them to know that the inhabitants of Vancouver in the 21st century were farmers. The refuse sampled from the construction point and the debris from the collapsed buildings may also endure that long and help future archaeologists to know the kind of housing these people built and the types of materials they used in their construction. Items like metal implements and iron equipment are some of the artifacts that are known to stay long and will be used in the reconstruction of these peoples culture. In this research conducted, there are still some questions that still remain unanswered, due to lack of artifacts to explain them and the means to express the to convince those who will read the report. Such questions include, was there a system of government or any element of leadership and if there is which type was it? Another question that was not answered is how do the people value the marriage institution? Which types of marriage are evident? How does the society value gender, is there gender parity Conclusion According to the research conducted, it can be concluded that this is a modern society where communication has been improved globally by the help of technology, devices such as phones and computers and basically the internet is the leading communication channel globally associated with the 21st century. Although some aspects of life are not clearly captured in this research but it draws a clear picture of a people living in the 21st century. References Gonzlez-Ruibal, A. (2013). Reclaiming archaeology: beyond the tropes of modernity. Routledge. Jones, S., Russell, L. (2012). Archaeology, memory, and oral tradition: An introduction. International Journal of Historical Archaeology, 16(2), 267-283.

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