Friday, December 27, 2019

Theme Analysis The Tragedy Of Hamlet - 1578 Words

Jackson F. Jones Mrs. Larr English IV 1st Period 16 December 2014 Theme Analysis of Hamlet The tragedy of Hamlet is a work of literature that contains a multitude of themes. Some of these themes are apparently obvious as you read through the tragedy. Themes such as revenge and madness present themselves openly through the progression of the story. However, there are other themes that lurk below the surface. You just have to dive a little deeper into the story to find them. On the surface, the theme of mortality and the idea life and death are introduced in the opening act of Hamlet. After his father s death, Hamlet can not stop thinking about the meaning of life, as well as death. Many questions centered around the same concept present themselves as the tragedy progresses. What happens when you die? If you re murdered will you go to heaven? Do kings really have a free pass to heaven? Hamlet thinks the idea of death is not so bad. It is the uncertainty of life after death that turns Hamlet away from suicide, even though he is obsessed with the Idea. â€Å" To be, or not to be? That is the question whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and, by opposing, end them? To die, to sleep no more and by a sleep to say we end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to ’tis a consummation devoutly to be wished! To die, to sleep. To sl eep, perchance to dream ay, there’s theShow MoreRelatedThe Thematic Elements Of William Shakespeare s Hamlet1031 Words   |  5 Pagesnumerous. Such themes further develop the plot of the story and help explain a universal purpose the story has. Imagination seeps through every crevice in the reader’s mind as to what a theme can be alluding to. 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