Monday, March 9, 2020

Introduction to Sociology and Political Sciences Essays

Introduction to Sociology and Political Sciences Essays Relationship Between China and Hong Kong Introduction to Sociology and Political Sciences Mid-term paper Name: Student ID: 81200158 Word count: 4337 words Topic Discuss the relationship between Hong Kong and mainland using concepts introduced in this course. Introduction Hong Kong, located at the southern coastal of China, fully shows the diversification of culture, with a mix characteristics of different backgrounds. Hong Kong is currently under the rule of the PRC as a special administrative region, with the practice of One country, two system. Hong Kong exercises capitalism under the rule of the British government and thus continues its practice after the handover. Hong Kong is closely located to mainland, showing her essential role in the economic coordination. The number of cross-boundaries cooperation has been increasing steady, and today, Hong Kong and mainland develops an inseparable relationship in terms of political, economical and social aspect. Content I.Political Aspect One Country, Two Systems Article 23 Freedom of Speech, Expression and Press II.Economical Aspect Opportunities Provide Professional Financial Services CEPA Mainland as the Provider of Cheap Labor and Resources Logistics and Importance in Re-export Threats Competition with Shanghai III.Social Aspect Mainland-Hong Kong conflicts Parallel Imports Activities Mainland Immigrants Mainland Mothers Giving Birth in Hong Kong Cross-boundary School Kids Overheating in Property Market Identity Problems Chinese Identity and Hong Kong Identity Cultural Similarities I.Political Aspect One Country, Two Systems The idea of One country, two systems was first proposed by Deng Xiao-ping in 1978, the leader of the Chinese Communist Party at that time. As Hong Kong was ruled with the capitalist system under the rule of the British government, while Mainland China being ruled with the socialist system. Before the handover, rumor spark off saying Hong Kong was expected to operate under socialist system, thus lead to social unrest, as the public was afraid to lose their private property rights. As to settle the rumor, the Chinese Communist Party proposed the One country, two systems, which was expected that the idea could efficiently minimized the difference in political system after the handover. Chapter 1, Article 5 of the Hong Kong Basic Law, the constitutional document of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, reads The socialist system and policies shall not be practiced in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and the previous capitalist system and way of life shall remain unchanged for 50 years. (i.e. 2047) The establishment of the special administrative region is authorized by the Article 31 of the Constitution of the Peoples Republic of China, which states that the State may establish SARs when necessary, and that the systems to be instituted in them shall be specific conditions. After the handover on 1 July 1997, the HKSAR was formally established, with her sovereignty returned to the Mainland. Since then, Hong Kong has been given high degree of autonomy, where she will be responsible for her domestic affairs, including judiciary and courts of last resort, immigration and customs, public finance, currencies and extradition. However, diplomatic relations and national defense are the responsibility of the Central Peoples Government in Beijing. Though the system was said to ensure Hong Kong could enjoy her autonomy, it was believed that the Central government in Beijing has been eventually spreading her power to interfere the politics in Hong Kong trough the leftist. It was generally believed that Hong Kong no longer enjoys her autonomy as she used to be, while more restriction has been posted on different institutions. For instance, the proposals in Article 23 of Basic Law, Hong Kong 818 incident and the vote rigging issue in the District Council elections. Article 23 The proposals in Article 23 of the Basic Law in 2003 have been withdrawn due to mass opposition. The Article is the basis of a security law proposed by the HKSAR government, reads The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall enact laws on its own to prohibit any act of treason, secession, sedition, subversion against the Central People's Government, or theft of state secrets, to prohibit foreign political organizations or bodies from conducting political activities in the Region, and to prohibit political organizations or bodies of the Region from establishing ties with foreign political organizations or bodies. In other words, the government plans to enact laws to protect her national security, which was considered as a threat that invading the publics right. In mid 2002, the Vice Premier

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